About Me

Hello there! My name is Savannah Hawkins. I have a B.A. in Communications from Brigham Young University. I am ACES certified in editing by Poynter University. I’ve been a social media professional since 2016 and I love cats.

While in college, I took every digital media and social media class I had available to me. I had a successful internship with a social media agency and I use the tools I learned to help grow small businesses and keep their customers engaged and informed. Knowledge is power. Connection is heart.

After working for private clients for a number of years with social media as an additional project, I am now dedicating my time as a full time social media manager and content creator. I use my expertise to help small businesses get their brand and message to their followers and beyond. I can’t wait to grow with you!

If you’d like to know more about how my love of social media started, keep reading!

I started my social media journey with Facebook in 2008, when I was 14. It was a way to keep up with my brother while he was at college. I quickly learned how to make statuses that were very informative, as you can see below.

Screenshot of my personal Facebook from August 30th, 2008. Status says “is happy”

I would soon take my hot takes to Twitter in 2009. My Instagram account would appear shortly after Instagram was bought by Facebook in 2012.

Screenshot of my first Instagram post in 2012. It’s a photo of my face with sunlight streaming from above. Captioned “I love the sunshine :)”

Fast forward to February 2014. I was a single college student days away from my 20th birthday. I tweeted about #singlesawarenessday and my favorite candy brand responded. That was a new one! I never knew brand could–let alone would see me, an individual.

The end result of this little interaction was the Reese’s official account following me (to this day) and a box filled with candy. They earned my loyalty and ignited a flame that would start my obsession with social media as a career path. After learning that brands could make a difference by just listening to the comments of a few select demographic, I wanted to be apart of it.

For more information on my journey, or to learn how I can help your business succeed, send me a message!